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Please show up early to check the projector settings when you have a presentation, and read these instructions for your time slot and other details. Ask, if you have any concerns!

All presentations should include (at least) the following items:

  • Title, name, affiliation, supervisor, research group
  • Introduction: background, aims, and the research problem(s)
  • Methods: how will you solve your research problem(s)
  • Expected results
  • Status: where are you now, next steps, and a general time frame for finalizing the research

The following sections give details for each type of presentation.

Presenting a research plan for doctoral thesis

  • Give a talk about your research plan
  • 45 minute time slot: 20 minute talk, 10-15 minutes for the opponents, the rest for the audience

Rehearsing a conference talk

  • An opportunity to rehearse and get feedback of your conference talk
  • Reserve your rehearse slot as soon as your paper gets accepted!
  • Please give your talk exactly as you will present it in the conference, following the guidelines you got from the conference organizers
  • 45 minute time slot: 20 minute talk (or whatever the conference specifies), 10-15 minutes for the opponents, the rest for the audience

Presenting a doctoral thesis

  • Give a comprehensive overview of your thesis when it is close to public defense
  • 90 minute time slot (leave 10-15 minutes for a discussion)

Rehearsing lectio praecursoria

  • Present your lectio and get feedback
  • 90 minute time slot (20 minute talk followed by a discussion)