Introduction to Computing (TIEY4)

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The course Introduction to Computing is aimed at those starting their university studies. You may come across the long-used acronym T3 (TietoTekniikkaTaidot in Finnish).

Information related to the study module: course objectivesinformation on teaching. The course information can be found without logging in at Sisu (search for courses by code TIEY4).

Platforms used in the course:
Weto – to submit solution documents
Moodle – discussion forum for each assignment

Current Issues

Tuesday 26.11. Lets have a wrap-up meeting at 11:15 in Virta 352 on the 5th of Decemer..

Tuesday 19.11. The last assignment is out for preview (promised to be out last night, sorry that I was late with it).

Monday 11.11. The last assignment is now available. You should make a short presentation using PowerPoint, which you then publish online using different cloud services. However, publishing your presentation is up to you, not compulsory, but it may be a good skill to learn.

Monday 11.11. The last assignment will take a short while longer to publish, but it will be out no later than tomorrow (Tuesday) morning.

Wednesday 30.10. There were some minor changes in the assgnment 7, the changes are wtitten in color in the pdf (A7.pdf).

Tuesday 29.10. We are sorry that the bacground material package was missing. It was added on Tueday morning. It you need an additional day to do the assignment, please send a request to Aulikki, she will extend your submission time in Weto.

Monday 28.10. The proof reading of Theme 3 is still in progress so please, bear with me if you run into mistakes. I’m not done yet! 🙂

Moday 28.10.  A6 is given out for peer-review, and A7 is published on the Theme 3 pages.
PS: Apologies, the the backgound material for the assignment 7 (source files in the zip-package) are in Finnish. It would cause quite a lot work and more importantly probable mistakes to give those in English.

Monday 14.10. Even though this week is a “holiday” week, the last excercise of theme 2 is published already. Theme 3 will open on Monday the 28th of November.

Friday 4.10. There’s an error in A4 task 1F example picture: The word “explanation” (H9) isn’t centered although it should be!

Thursday 26.9. A3 Task 2: Joining the Tuni Group TG-TIEY4 through Tuni Groups doesn’t seem to work. Instead, try O365 Outlook – Teams (in the waffle menu) – TG-TIEY4 Harjoitteluryhmä…

A3 Task 5: There’s a mistake in task 5. It should say “compress the files you shared in task 3” (not 2a).

Tuesday 24.9. Aulikki is going to be out of office (and out of email reach) for two weeks. Antti Sand ( is the substitute for her. You can contact Antti with any questions or problems regarding the course.

Monday 16.9. As you can see from the schedule, there is a gap of a week, before Satu will see you next time. I don’t know the reason for this, it was set by the study coordinator from the educational sciences, maybe you have some other activities next week. So, also the next deadline in is two weeks, on the 29th of September. For both, reviewing A2 and solving A3.

Sunday 15.9. The third assignment is published on the coursepages.

Tuesday 10.9. klo 17:40   Now! Now the peer-reviews are available. In Weto, go to the Assignment 1, open Grade tab and you see the solusions you have got to review. Your own work, and one of your mates.

From the corner character (>), you can open(/close)  the work for review.

Open your own work first. Open the solution document to another window ( A1.pdf in the picture) and follow the review instructions.

For each task write both a short comment, and the points. Don’t forget to submit the review when you are done.

May be a good idea is to save the review if it takes time, so that you don’t get kicked off from the system, thinking that you have left. You can get back editing the review using the edit-button at the bottom of the review (until the reviewing deadline). Reviewing is always on until next Sunday, at least, sometimes longer.

Tuesday 10.9. Sorry, did not have time to deal out peer-reviews quite yet – will do it tonight

Monday 9.9. Well done with the Assignment 1! The second Assignment is available now. You will get the first assignment for peer-review by tomorrow. Don’t take too much stress about peer reviewing. The main thing is to go through your own answers, and to give some feedback to your peer student.

Thursday 5.9. There’s a mistake in Theme 1 Assignment 1 task 1a question: It should be graded, not rated 😀

Wednesday 4.9. Task 5a (Theme 1: Assignment 1) has caused some confusion since some seem to find the shared OneDrive folder and others don’t. In case you can’t find the shared folder, check your Office 365 inbox and use the email with 5 attachments you received from Aulikki a while ago. You’ll be able to complete task 5a with the help of the attachments. Points won’t be deducted whether you succeed in finding the shared folder or not.

Monday 2.9. This may help you in submitting your solution document to Weto: Satu’s video: How to Submit  Documents to Weto

Monday 2.9. Most of you can not get into Weto yet, since I havent got your account informatioin from the IT services. Hopefully this is sorted out within a day or two. However, it does not matter, since you can write the solution document already, even if you dont get to submit it.

Monday 2.9. The first assignment is available in the Theme 1. Satu will be in helping you out with doing the assignment, and submitting the solution documents in to Weto on Tuesday at 11:15 in Virta lab 53

26.8. The kick-off lecture of the course is given on Wednesday the 28th of August in the classroom Virta 352